Wednesday, August 31, 2011


There was the FINAL CHAPTER, then there was this.....

Just as Friday the 13th: The Final Chapter was released, there was talk of sequel. Already laying waste to the title of the franchises fourth film giving it one of the most ridiculous names of any movie. They had to do it. Paramount was spending peanuts on these movies and making millions in return. It didn't make any sense to stop making them now. Although no Friday film would see as much cash as Final Chapter again, they were all still highly profitable. And so, Director Danny Steinman was called out from doing porn to make this movie (and boy does it show).

It seems as though Part 5 deliberately attempted to outdo the fourth. The violence is upped a little while the nudity is almost groundbreaking for a slasher film. Some unique kills help make this one more interesting: A road flare in the mouth, an outhouse impaling, garden shears through the eyes, those are the most noteworthy demises. Even the cast is different. Sharing in the heavy use of coke on the set was a diverse group of actors. We have most of victims being halfway house inmates, but we get a few paramedics and even a couple of really random greasers in the woods. Let's not forget that weird "In His Eyes" trance music. One of the most amusing things about Part 5, is the unique and very random cast of cannon fodder, at least 20 are killed. Never was it more clear what these movies were for. Teenagers paid their $4 to see blood and boobs and thats what this movie delivers....

It's not as though a film as this needs much critical analysis. Teenagers get killed. Thats it. But Part 5 is unique among all F13 films. A sleazy atmosphere pervades this film. Virtually all characters are corrupt in some way or another, whether that is through drug use or leading some sort of double life, Part 5 is light on redeeming characters. Interestingly, it is the only film in the series in which coke is used on screen, at least until Part 8 rolled around.... I wonder if that caused contraversy upon release?

BIG SPOILER PARAGRAPH: Now there is one big reason why virtually all F13 diehards hate this film. No Jason. Yes, Roy Burns, a paramedic, is the killer. Well, it didn't ruin it for me so I have little idea what others are tallking about. Big deal that Roy is the killer. In a way, it only makes this sleazy film, even more sleazy. Friday the 13th Part 5 is about an hour and a half of rampaging hormones, sexually active teens who reside at a halfway house banging, drug use, large breasts and murders galore. Could you really ask for more? It's an 80s slasher film, go with it! THREE STARS OUT OF FIVE

Tuesday, August 16, 2011


Back in the 90s, my mind was just seeking to be warped. I had always gazed over the selection of Jason films at various video stores, but as a kid, I had only seen the sixth. And that was cut up far worse than any of Jason's victims, thanks to FOX. Anyway, finally in May 2001, my time had come. Searching through the schedule on my dad's new digital TV, I found that TMN was airing Friday the 13th's part 4-6! This would truly be a night to remember, a night I can always look back on. A night that will be impossible to forget.

Plot: Kids go to Crystal Lake and get murdered one by one. Last girl Trish, and this time, little brother Corey Feldman, manage to outdo the film's running time. But this one has something else to it: CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT! Yes, the teens served up for slaughter are much more interesting than the characters in Part 3. Much of this is due to Crispin Glover of Back To The Future fame, who brings his own back of tricks on set and is the victim in one of my favourite F13 deaths. We have Sarah, a girl debating with herself whether or not to lose the big V, Rob, a camper out to avenge the death of his sister (Sandra, from Part 2), and a couple of British twins!

This movie outdoes all other entries in terms of nudity (until part 5 anyway), which, somehow, makes 80s slasher films even better. Several pairs of tits, and plenty of bare ass. In terms of kills, it has some of my faves. Who can forget the corkscrew? Or the hacksaw in the hospital? Rob's almost terrifying scream "he's killing me!" as trish cowers on the stairs? How about Jason's demise? Easily my favourite of the series. I would go on about how this is the beginning of a significant character, Tommy Jarvis, but I believe his character is more important in the next two films.

Curiously, director Joseph Zito wanted the camera, and thus the film, to linger over the dead Jason at the beginning, in order for the audience to root for him to come back to life. Interesting concept, but I doubt it worked. Jason had not yet become the cultural icon he is today.

It's hard to review these movies without sounding like a broken record, which is why I take the unique (or so at least I feel) elements from the film to combine for my post. But with more nudity, interesting characters, memorable kills, and Ted White as the best JASON ever, part 4 is, if not technically the best, at least the most enjoyable film of the franchise for me. I couldn't get tired of it. 80s exploitation slasher at it's finest. FOUR STARS OUT OF FIVE.